Special Interest Group
The topic of NeXt group SIG 'NXg CANopen Lift Connector' is the development of a specification & software of a manufacturer independent TLS encrypted connection of a CANopen Lift using a JSON based REST-API to access the object dictionary with ready specified access privileges, transported via the WebSocket protocol on a TLS encryption socket layer, using certificate based cloud server authentication. This SIG was founded at 2018-04-25. The work draft of this protocol is currently being reviewed by the members. Once the protocol is stable, it will be published as a draft standard. A date for this has not yet been set. The protocol will then be made available for download here.
The SIG 'NXg CANopen Lift Connector' is a working group of the SIG 'NXg Lift Cloud Solution'.
The CANopen Lift Connector API is based on the current safety standards and technologies. It basically uses a TLS encrypted communication channel, featuring certificate based server authentication, running web-sockets that transport a JSON REST API based communication layer. The JSON REST API is used to access the CANopen object dictionary as the main information source.
To minimize documentation and integration costs but maximize flexibility and performance, this cloud solution features the existing international standardized CANopen CiA-417 objects and multiplexers in order to address & access process data and parameters from the lift installation.
This SIG plans to provide:
- The description of the overall communication setup, including TLS (ports, certificates), WebSocket, Connection handshake, JSON Endpoint.
- The JSON REST-API description for accessing the CANopen object dictionary.
- Java Script based sample code illustrating the usage.
- C++ code implementation of the WebSocket Protocol, BASE64 and SHA1.
- C++ code wrapping code the GnuTLS library.
- Programming language C++/JS
The software & documentation of this SIG can be used e.g. in CANopen-Lift components like lift controller, gateways including lift phones and webserver.
Founding Members
This SIG was founded by:
License for this project
This project uses the MIT license.
The specification and software are developed within the NeXt group. Access to the Working Drafts and main branch of the software is restricted to the members. Milestones of the elaborated software and Draft Standards of the specification are published under MIT license to the public.
Responsible people
The Project Maintainer of the SIG NXg CANopen Lift Connector is Nico Raschle, software engineer at Masora AG. He is driving the vision of this SIG.
The Project Master Contributor of the SIG NXg CANopen Lift Connector is Roy Schneider, manager software development at Thor Engineering GmbH. He is responsible for the software repository of this SIG.
Project files
The source code of this project is hosted at GitLab. The files for the documentation are hosted at Google Drive. The access to the Working Drafts and main branch of the repository is restricted to the NeXt group members. Stable Milestones are published under MIT license to the public.
Link to GitLab: https://gitlab.com/nxg-projects/NXg-SW003/NXg_CANopen_Lift_Connector
Contributor License Agreement
For all open source software projects, a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) determines which additional copyright license granted to the project by the developer. (read more about our CLAs).
Here you can download the CLA for this project.
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